

The person responsible for the final coating of the substrate is responsible for inspection of the substrate and the use of suitable materials. Detailed information on joint filling can be found in guideline no. 2.1 "Filling of gypsum fibreboards and surface finishes (Q1 to Q4)" published by the plasterboard industrial group of the Federal Association of the Gypsum Industry ("Bundesverband der Gipsindustrie e.V.").


  • Mortar splashes, filler burrs and similar must be removed from the board surface.
  • Filled areas must be dry and deburred.
  • The entire board surface, joints and filled areas must be equally dry.
  • Ensure that all dust is removed from the surfaces.


Rigidur gypsum fibreboards are pre-primed during the manufacturing process. This means that additional priming is only necessary where a manufacturer specifies it for products in his system or where higher requirements exist in this respect with a view to further processing (e.g. thin or textured plasters, paint coatings or tiles).

Important notes:
To ensure even absorption behaviour in the gypsum fibreboards and filled joints, we recommend applying Rikombi Grund primer to the entire surface in accordance with the processing instructions in the event that the paint manufacturer has not defined any other priming for his system. Allow the primer to dry fully before continuing work.

If the manufacturer specifies priming, it is essential to ensure that the primer is fully dry before continuing work.


  • All standard paints, e.g. distemper, emulsion paints and varnishes, oil-based, alkyd resin, polymer resin, polyurethane and epoxy resin paints are suitable.
  • Silicone paint may only be applied with a suitable primer.
  • Mineral-based paints such as whitewash, silicate paints (also known as pure silicate paints) and nitro-combi paints are not suitable.
  • With varnishes (double layer of panelling), etc., reinforcement strips should always be used in joint filling.
  • Dispersion-modified silicate paints (organo-silicate and dispersion-modified silicate paints) may only be used if the manufacturer expressly guarantees their suitability and provides precise processing instructions. Where these paints have to meet specific requirements in terms of performance characteristics (e.g. washability in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11998), these requirements must be expressly guaranteed.

Important notes:
To be sure of good results, a test coat should be applied over several boards including the joint areas.

A blocking primer should generally be applied to ensure that no discolouration (yellowing) can show through.


All types of wallpaper including woodchip are suitable. Only adhesives based on methyl cellulose and/or suitable synthetic resins should be used.

Processing note
Applying wallpaper primer will enable the wallpaper to be removed from the Rigidur boards without moistening during renovation work. Rikombi Grund is suitable as a wallpaper primer and should be applied in accordance with the processing instructions.


Mineral- or plastic-based textured thin-wall plasters suitable for plasterboards can easily be applied to the Rigidur gypsum fibreboards following application of a blocking primer in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Rigips recommendation
To prevent any cracking occurring, reinforcement strips should be fitted to joints in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions before applying thin-wall plasters.


  • Rigidur H boards are suitable for use in domestic bathrooms.
  • Tile weights of up to 25 kg/m² have not proven critical in practice on tileable partition walls (one layer of 12.5 mm panelling) or fixed wall facings. If ceramic coverings are to be applied to free-standing/attached wall facings or drylining, it is recommended that the tile weight is limited to 15 kg/m². More detailed information can be found in guideline no. 5 "Bathrooms and wet rooms in timber and drywall construction" published by the plasterboard industrial group of the Federal Association of the Gypsum Industry ("Bundesverband der Gipsindustrie e.V.").
  • Flexible thin-bed adhesives are suitable for such applications and should be applied using a notched trowel. Flexible joint mortars should be used for joints.

Suitable tiles
Ceramic tiles (DIN EN 14411), earthenware and glass mosaic tiles can easily be applied to Rigidur gypsum fibreboards. If the manufacturer specifies priming, it should be carried out in accordance with their processing instructions. Allow sufficient time for the primer to dry.

Adhesive technique
Apply adhesive to the entire surface using the thin-bed method and comb horizontally across the top section with a fine-toothed trowel. Use standard dispersion-based plastic adhesives or hydraulic hardening adhesives. Unfilled Rigips joints can be filled and covered with the same material.

Tile joints
Joints in tiled surfaces should be filled with cement-based filler.


Adhesive technique
With a smooth trowel, apply adhesive to the entire surface using the thin-bed method. Then draw grooves across the surface with a notched trowel (5 mm tapered notches) - horizontally in the top section. A continuous layer of adhesive must be ensured.

Rigips tips
Prime with deep primer and sealing adhesive.
Use moisture-blocking sealing adhesive.
Seal outlets, joints and corners with plasto-elastic joint filler to ensure they are water-tight.
Use fungicidal sanitary sealants.
Threaded sleeves with rubber seals should be attached to all fittings.

Fastening of loads

Loads on walls

Various loads can be attached securely to Rigidur gypsum fibreboard wall structures with suitable fasteners. Light items can be fastened using simple picture hooks. Depending on the specific type used, fasteners can hold a wide variety of typical household vertical loads.

Permitted loads on cavity dowels and threaded screws
Shelves and hanging cupboards can easily be attached using cavity dowels. The maximum permitted load for the wall structure must be observed. Bracket loads can be fastened anywhere on Rigips panelling using standard fasteners. The selection of suitable fasteners is dependent on the load depth t (for walls) and the weight of the load to be attached.

Important notes
When using dowels, it is essential that the manufacturer's instructions are observed.
Gaps of at least 150 mm must exist between any 2 fastening points, otherwise each dowel will only bear half the load.
The individual loads may not exceed a total of 150 kg per wall meter.

Heavy bracket loads

  • Heavy bracket loads should be fastened to the substructure. Sanitary elements should generally be fastened to separate mounts or traverses.
  • Where wall panelling is attached straight onto solid substrates (e.g. drylining), bracket loads should be anchored directly to the solid component using suitable fasteners.

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