Sloped roofsSloped roofs

In general the following applies: sloped roofs should be fully insulated and panelled. You should never install gypsum fibreboards directly onto the rafters – a substructure is necessary for various reasons: On the one hand it compensates for any excessive gaps between the rafters. On the other hand, it prevents any subsequent cracking due to movement of the wood.

We therefore recommend the use of metal profiles for substructures. When attaching the metal profiles, you should even out any irregularities in the rafters (e.g. using wooden wedges). You can of course leave the rafters as visible elements and solely install Rigidur boards as panelling in between. Insulation above the rafters installed from the other side is a good option in this case.

Keyword: Insulation

Efficient in every respect
The right insulation offers many advantages. You can ensure a pleasant indoor climate all year round – without a build-up of heat in the summer or loss of warmth in the winter. You can also sustainably reduce your energy costs, which in turn has a positive impact on the energy performance certificate for your property.

Keyword: Light

Let there be light
Optimize the atmosphere of the room by getting as much daylight as possible into the space under the roof. Plan a skylight, dormer window or small rooftop balcony.